Taxes, Lottery Credit and Tax Refund Information
YOUR TAX BILLS ARE SENT DIRECTLY TO YOU FROM OCONTO COUNTY. Please verify your address on your tax bill. Click here for the address change form. Return instructions are included on the form.
PAYMENTS–Full payments and 1st installments are accepted by the municipality through the 31st of January. 2nd installments are accepted by the County Treasurer only. Please have check or money order made out to exact amount of tax payment.
Mail tax stub with checks made payable to the Town of Little Suamico at address below or place in the Townhall drop slot.
Town of Little Suamico
Attn: Treasurer
5964-A Cty Rd S
Sobieski, WI 54171
Receipts will be dated the date on which the monies are physically received at the Treasurer’s office. If you require a receipt, enclose a self-addressed, stamped business size envelope along with your tax stub and payment. A receipt will NOT be provided unless a SASE is included. Business-size envelopes are preferred.
Refunds under $5.00 are not issued per Resolution 2017-7, unless requested in writing. NO CASH REFUNDS. Refund checks will be issued within fifteen (15) business days of receipt. Please enclose a business-size self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your tax stub and payment for the return of such refund.
Did you receive your Lottery & Gaming Credit????
If you do not have a Lottery & Gaming Credit on your tax bill, you may still be eligible!
To Qualify:
You must own a home in Wisconsin AND your home must have been occupied as a PRIMARY residence on January 1st of year in question.
1. A primary residence is the home in which a property owner lives for more than six months of the year.
2. If temporarily away, a primary residence is the home to which the owner returns.
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